# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
"""This module defines a utility function for constructing LLVM benchmarks."""
import logging
import os
import random
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
from concurrent.futures import as_completed
from datetime import datetime
from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterable, List, Optional, Union
from compiler_gym.datasets import Benchmark
from compiler_gym.errors import BenchmarkInitError
from compiler_gym.third_party import llvm
from compiler_gym.util.commands import Popen, communicate, run_command
from compiler_gym.util.runfiles_path import transient_cache_path
from compiler_gym.util.shell_format import join_cmd
from compiler_gym.util.thread_pool import get_thread_pool_executor
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class HostCompilerFailure(OSError):
"""Exception raised when the system compiler fails."""
class UnableToParseHostCompilerOutput(HostCompilerFailure):
"""Exception raised if unable to parse the verbose output of the host
def _get_system_library_flags(compiler: str) -> Iterable[str]:
"""Private implementation function."""
# Create a temporary file to write the compiled binary to, since GNU
# assembler does not support piping to stdout.
transient_cache = transient_cache_path(".")
transient_cache.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=transient_cache) as f:
cmd = [compiler, "-xc++", "-v", "-", "-o", f.name]
# On macOS we need to compile a binary to invoke the linker.
if sys.platform != "darwin":
# Retry loop to permit timeouts, though unlikely, in case of a
# heavily overloaded system (I have observed CI failures because
# of this).
for _ in range(3):
with Popen(
) as process:
_, stderr = communicate(
process=process, input="int main(){return 0;}", timeout=30
if process.returncode:
raise HostCompilerFailure(
f"Failed to invoke '{compiler}'. "
f"Is there a working system compiler?\n"
f"Error: {stderr.strip()}"
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
except FileNotFoundError as e:
raise HostCompilerFailure(
f"Failed to invoke '{compiler}'. "
f"Is there a working system compiler?\n"
f"Error: {e}"
) from e
raise HostCompilerFailure(
f"Compiler invocation '{join_cmd(cmd)}' timed out after 3 attempts."
# Parse the compiler output that matches the conventional output format
# used by clang and GCC:
# #include <...> search starts here:
# /path/1
# /path/2
# End of search list
in_search_list = False
lines = stderr.split("\n")
for line in lines:
if in_search_list and line.startswith("End of search list"):
elif in_search_list:
# We have an include path to return.
path = Path(line.strip())
yield "-isystem"
yield str(path)
# Compatibility fix for compiling benchmark sources which use the
# '#include <endian.h>' header, which on macOS is located in a
# 'machine/endian.h' directory.
if (path / "machine").is_dir():
yield "-isystem"
yield str(path / "machine")
elif line.startswith("#include <...> search starts here:"):
in_search_list = True
msg = f"Failed to parse '#include <...>' search paths from '{compiler}'"
stderr = stderr.strip()
if stderr:
msg += f":\n{stderr}"
raise UnableToParseHostCompilerOutput(msg)
if sys.platform == "darwin":
yield "-L/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/lib"
def _get_cached_system_library_flags(compiler: str) -> List[str]:
"""Private implementation detail."""
return list(_get_system_library_flags(compiler))
[docs]def get_system_library_flags(compiler: Optional[str] = None) -> List[str]:
"""Determine the set of compilation flags needed to use the host system
This uses the system compiler to determine the search paths for C/C++ system
headers, and on macOS, the location of libclang_rt.osx.a. By default,
:code:`c++` is invoked. This can be overridden by setting
:code:`os.environ["CXX"]` prior to calling this function.
:return: A list of command line flags for a compiler.
:raises HostCompilerFailure: If the host compiler cannot be determined, or
fails to compile a trivial piece of code.
:raises UnableToParseHostCompilerOutput: If the output of the compiler
cannot be understood.
compiler = compiler or (os.environ.get("CXX") or "c++")
# We want to cache the results of this expensive query after resolving the
# default value for the compiler argument, as it can changed based on
# environment variables.
return _get_cached_system_library_flags(compiler)
[docs]class ClangInvocation:
"""Class to represent a single invocation of the clang compiler."""
[docs] def __init__(
self, args: List[str], system_includes: bool = True, timeout: int = 600
"""Create a clang invocation.
:param args: The list of arguments to pass to clang.
:param system_includes: Whether to include the system standard libraries
during compilation jobs. This requires a system toolchain. See
:param timeout: The maximum number of seconds to allow clang to run
before terminating.
self.args = args
self.system_includes = system_includes
self.timeout = timeout
def command(self, outpath: Path) -> List[str]:
cmd = [str(llvm.clang_path()), "-c", "-emit-llvm", "-o", str(outpath)]
if self.system_includes:
cmd += get_system_library_flags()
cmd += [str(s) for s in self.args]
return cmd
def from_c_file(
path: Path,
copt: Optional[List[str]] = None,
system_includes: bool = True,
timeout: int = 600,
) -> "ClangInvocation":
copt = copt or []
# NOTE(cummins): There is some discussion about the best way to create a
# bitcode that is unoptimized yet does not hinder downstream
# optimization opportunities. Here we are using a configuration based on
# -O1 in which we prevent the -O1 optimization passes from running. This
# is because LLVM produces different function attributes dependening on
# the optimization level. E.g. "-O0 -Xclang -disable-llvm-optzns -Xclang
# -disable-O0-optnone" will generate code with "noinline" attributes set
# on the functions, wheras "-Oz -Xclang -disable-llvm-optzns" will
# generate functions with "minsize" and "optsize" attributes set.
# See also:
# <https://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/llvm-dev/2018-August/thread.html#125365>
# <https://github.com/facebookresearch/CompilerGym/issues/110>
return cls(
DEFAULT_COPT + copt + [str(path)],
[docs]def make_benchmark(
inputs: Union[str, Path, ClangInvocation, List[Union[str, Path, ClangInvocation]]],
copt: Optional[List[str]] = None,
system_includes: bool = True,
timeout: int = 600,
) -> Benchmark:
"""Create a benchmark for use by LLVM environments.
This function takes one or more inputs and uses them to create an LLVM
bitcode benchmark that can be passed to
The following input types are supported:
| **File Suffix** | **Treated as** | **Converted using** |
| :code:`.bc` | LLVM IR bitcode | No conversion required. |
| :code:`.ll` | LLVM IR text format | Assembled to bitcode using llvm-as. |
| :code:`.c`, :code:`.cc`, :code:`.cpp`, :code:`.cxx` | C / C++ source | Compiled to bitcode using clang and the given :code:`copt`. |
.. note::
The LLVM IR format has no compatability guarantees between versions (see
`LLVM docs
You must ensure that any :code:`.bc` and :code:`.ll` files are
compatible with the LLVM version used by CompilerGym, which can be
reported using :func:`env.compiler_version
E.g. for single-source C/C++ programs, you can pass the path of the source
>>> benchmark = make_benchmark('my_app.c')
>>> env = gym.make("llvm-v0")
>>> env.reset(benchmark=benchmark)
The clang invocation used is roughly equivalent to:
.. code-block::
$ clang my_app.c -O0 -c -emit-llvm -o benchmark.bc
Additional compile-time arguments to clang can be provided using the
:code:`copt` argument:
>>> benchmark = make_benchmark('/path/to/my_app.cpp', copt=['-O2'])
If you need more fine-grained control over the options, you can directly
construct a :class:`ClangInvocation
<compiler_gym.envs.llvm.ClangInvocation>` to pass a list of arguments to
>>> benchmark = make_benchmark(
ClangInvocation(['/path/to/my_app.c'], system_includes=False, timeout=10)
For multi-file programs, pass a list of inputs that will be compiled
separately and then linked to a single module:
>>> benchmark = make_benchmark([
:param inputs: An input, or list of inputs.
:param copt: A list of command line options to pass to clang when compiling
source files.
:param system_includes: Whether to include the system standard libraries
during compilation jobs. This requires a system toolchain. See
:param timeout: The maximum number of seconds to allow clang to run before
:return: A :code:`Benchmark` instance.
:raises FileNotFoundError: If any input sources are not found.
:raises TypeError: If the inputs are of unsupported types.
:raises OSError: If a suitable compiler cannot be found.
:raises BenchmarkInitError: If a compilation job fails.
:raises TimeoutExpired: If a compilation job exceeds :code:`timeout`
copt = copt or []
bitcodes: List[Path] = []
clang_jobs: List[ClangInvocation] = []
ll_paths: List[Path] = []
def _add_path(path: Path):
if not path.is_file():
raise FileNotFoundError(path)
if path.suffix == ".bc":
elif path.suffix in {".c", ".cc", ".cpp", ".cxx"}:
path, copt=copt, system_includes=system_includes, timeout=timeout
elif path.suffix == ".ll":
raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized file type: {path.name}")
# Determine from inputs the list of pre-compiled bitcodes and the clang
# invocations required to compile the bitcodes.
if isinstance(inputs, str) or isinstance(inputs, Path):
elif isinstance(inputs, ClangInvocation):
for input in inputs:
if isinstance(input, str) or isinstance(input, Path):
elif isinstance(input, ClangInvocation):
raise TypeError(f"Invalid input type: {type(input).__name__}")
# Shortcut if we only have a single pre-compiled bitcode.
if len(bitcodes) == 1 and not clang_jobs and not ll_paths:
bitcode = bitcodes[0]
return Benchmark.from_file(uri=f"benchmark://file-v0{bitcode}", path=bitcode)
tmpdir_root = transient_cache_path(".")
tmpdir_root.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(
dir=tmpdir_root, prefix="llvm-make_benchmark-"
) as d:
working_dir = Path(d)
clang_outs = [
working_dir / f"clang-out-{i}.bc" for i in range(1, len(clang_jobs) + 1)
llvm_as_outs = [
working_dir / f"llvm-as-out-{i}.bc" for i in range(1, len(ll_paths) + 1)
# Run the clang and llvm-as invocations in parallel. Avoid running this
# code path if possible as get_thread_pool_executor() requires locking.
if clang_jobs or ll_paths:
llvm_as_path = str(llvm.llvm_as_path())
executor = get_thread_pool_executor()
llvm_as_commands = [
[llvm_as_path, str(ll_path), "-o", bc_path]
for ll_path, bc_path in zip(ll_paths, llvm_as_outs)
# Fire off the clang and llvm-as jobs.
futures = [
executor.submit(run_command, job.command(out), job.timeout)
for job, out in zip(clang_jobs, clang_outs)
] + [
executor.submit(run_command, command, timeout)
for command in llvm_as_commands
# Block until finished.
list(future.result() for future in as_completed(futures))
# Check that the expected files were generated.
for clang_job, bc_path in zip(clang_jobs, clang_outs):
if not bc_path.is_file():
raise BenchmarkInitError(
f"clang failed: {' '.join(clang_job.command(bc_path))}"
for command, bc_path in zip(llvm_as_commands, llvm_as_outs):
if not bc_path.is_file():
raise BenchmarkInitError(f"llvm-as failed: {command}")
all_outs = bitcodes + clang_outs + llvm_as_outs
if not all_outs:
raise ValueError("No inputs")
elif len(all_outs) == 1:
# We only have a single bitcode so read it.
with open(str(all_outs[0]), "rb") as f:
bitcode = f.read()
# Link all of the bitcodes into a single module.
llvm_link_cmd = [str(llvm.llvm_link_path()), "-o", "-"] + [
str(path) for path in bitcodes + clang_outs
with Popen(
llvm_link_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE
) as llvm_link:
bitcode, stderr = llvm_link.communicate(timeout=timeout)
if llvm_link.returncode:
raise BenchmarkInitError(
f"Failed to link LLVM bitcodes with error: {stderr.decode('utf-8')}"
timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%HT%H%M%S")
uri = f"benchmark://user-v0/{timestamp}-{random.randrange(16**4):04x}"
return Benchmark.from_file_contents(uri, bitcode)