RPC Service Reference
This document describes the remote procedure call (RPC) client/service architecture that CompilerGym to separate the user frontend code from the compiler backends.
How it Works
The file compiler_gym/service/proto/compiler_gym_service.proto
defines a
CompilerGymService, which is an interface that
can be used by compilers to expose the incremental compilation of a program as
an interactive environment. The service is defined using gRPC, and the individual requests and responses are defined
using protocol buffers. The
protocol buffer schema is then used to generate bindings in a programming
language of choice.
Protocol buffers support a wide range of programming languages, allowing
compiler developers to expose their optimization problems in whatever language
makes sense for them. For Python and C++ we also provide a common runtime that
offers a higher level of abstraction and takes care of much of the boilerplate
required for RPC communication. For further details check out the C++ or Python class
namespace CompilerGymService
The CompilerGymService is the interface that exposes the incremental optimization of a program as an interactive environment.
- rpc GetVersion (GetVersionRequest) returns(GetVersionReply)
Request version strings from the service.
- rpc GetSpaces (GetSpacesRequest) returns(GetSpacesReply)
Request the action and observation spaces that this service supports.
The service responds with an initial action space, and a list of available observation and reward spaces.
- rpc StartSession (StartSessionRequest) returns(StartSessionReply)
Start a new CompilerGym service session.
This allocates a new session on the service and returns a session ID. To terminate the session, call EndSession() once done. Raises grpc::StatusCode::NOT_FOUND if the requested benchmark URI is not found.
- rpc ForkSession (ForkSessionRequest) returns(ForkSessionReply)
Fork a session.
This creates a new session in exactly the same state. The new session must be terminated with EndSession() once done. This returns an error if the session to fork does not exist.
- rpc EndSession (EndSessionRequest) returns(EndSessionReply)
End a CompilerGym service session.
If the requested session does not exist, this returns an error.
- rpc Step (StepRequest) returns(StepReply)
Apply a list of optimization decisions and compute a list of observations for a session.
Optimization decisions are selected from the last ActionSpace returned by a call to GetSpaces() or Step(). Valid observations are queried using GetSpaces(). This returns an error if the requested session does not exist.
- rpc AddBenchmark (AddBenchmarkRequest) returns(AddBenchmarkReply)
Register a new benchmark.
- rpc SendSessionParameter (SendSessionParameterRequest) returns(SendSessionParameterReply)
Transmit <key, value> parameters to a session.
Each parameter generates a string response. It us up to the client/service to agree on a common schema for encoding and decoding these parameters. An unknown key/value returns grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT.
Request and Reply Messages
struct GetVersionRequest
A GetVersion() request.
struct GetVersionReply
The GetVersion() response.
struct GetSpacesRequest
A GetSpaces() request.
struct GetSpacesReply
A GetSpaces() reply.
Public Members
- repeated ActionSpace action_space_list = 1
A list of one or more action spaces that the service supports.
- repeated ObservationSpace observation_space_list = 2
A list of available observation spaces.
A service may support one or more observation spaces.
struct StartSessionRequest
A StartSession() request.
Public Members
int32 action_space = 2
An index into the GetSpacesReply.action_space_list selecting the action space that is to be used for this session.
Once set, the action space cannot be changed for the duration of the session.
- repeated int32 observation_space = 3
A list of indices into the GetSpacesReply.observation_space_list.
int32 action_space = 2
struct StartSessionReply
A StartSession() reply.
Public Members
int64 session_id = 1
The ID that has been assigned to the session.
The client must use this ID in all subsequent interactions with the service for this session.
ActionSpace new_action_space = 3
A new action space.
This is set only if, after initializing the session, the action space has changed from the default action space returned by GetSpaces(). If set, the environment should discard the previous action space and replace it with this one. Else, the action space remains unchanged.
- repeated Event observation = 4
Observed states after completing the action.
int64 session_id = 1
struct ForkSessionRequest
A Fork() request.
Public Members
int64 session_id = 1
The ID of the session to fork.
int64 session_id = 1
struct ForkSessionReply
A Fork() reply.
Public Members
int64 session_id = 1
The ID of the newly created session.
int64 session_id = 1
struct EndSessionRequest
An EndSession() request.
Public Members
int64 session_id = 1
The ID of the session.
int64 session_id = 1
struct EndSessionReply
An EndSession() reply.
Public Members
int32 remaining_sessions = 1
The number of sessions that the service currently has.
int32 remaining_sessions = 1
struct StepRequest
A Step() request.
Public Members
int64 session_id = 1
The ID of the session.
- repeated Event action = 2
A list of actions to execute, in order.
- repeated int32 observation_space = 3
A list of indices into the GetSpacesReply.observation_space_list.
int64 session_id = 1
struct StepReply
A Step() reply.
Public Members
bool end_of_session = 1
Indicates that the session has ended.
This could be because there are no further actions that can be made, or because the action has led to an invalid state. Once this field has been set, you should make no further calls to step(). However, you mays still request reward and new observations.
bool action_had_no_effect = 2
A service may set this field to true if the action is known not to have any effect.
This allows an agent to assume that observations or rewards computed before this action remain valid, providing that they are deterministic.
ActionSpace new_action_space = 3
A new action space.
This field is set if, as a result of running the requested action, the action space has changed. Else, the action space remains unchanged.
- repeated Event observation = 4
Observed states after completing the action.
bool end_of_session = 1
struct AddBenchmarkRequest
An AddBenchmark() request.
Public Members
- repeated Benchmark benchmark = 1
A list of benchmarks to add.
struct AddBenchmarkReply
An AddBenchmark() reply.
struct SendSessionParameterRequest
A SendSessionParameter() request.
Public Members
int64 session_id = 1
The ID of the session.
- repeated SessionParameter parameter = 2
A list of <key, value> parameters to pass to the session.
int64 session_id = 1
struct SendSessionParameterReply
A SendSessionParameter() reply.
Public Members
- repeated string reply = 1
A list of response messages, one per parameter request.
Core Message Types
struct ActionSpace
struct ObservationSpace
struct Event
Common structure shared between actions and observations.
Public Members
BooleanTensor boolean_tensor = 9
Fixed and variable length sequences are represented as one-dimensional tensor.
BooleanTensor boolean_tensor = 9
struct BooleanTensor
Public Members
- repeated bool value = 2
Flattened tensor of shape
with C-like index order.
struct ByteTensor
Public Members
bytes value = 2
Flattened tensor of shape
with C-like index order.
bytes value = 2
struct Int64Tensor
Public Members
- repeated sint64 value = 2
Flattened tensor of shape
with C-like index order.
struct FloatTensor
Public Members
- repeated float value = 2
Flattened tensor of shape
with C-like index order.
struct DoubleTensor
Public Members
- repeated double value = 2
Flattened tensor of shape
with C-like index order.
struct StringTensor
Public Members
- repeated string value = 2
Flattened tensor of shape
with C-like index order.
struct BooleanRange
The [min, max] range of a boolean scalar.
Public Members
- oneof optional_min {bool min = 1
The minimum value (inclusive). If not set, the value is 0 (false).
- oneof optional_max {bool max = 2
The maximum value (inclusive). If not set, the value is 1 (true).
struct Int64Range
The [min, max] range of an int64 scalar.
Public Members
- oneof optional_min {sint64 min = 1
The minimum value (inclusive). If not set, the value is -2^63.
- oneof optional_max {sint64 max = 2
The maximum value (inclusive). If not set, the value is 2^63 - 1.
struct FloatRange
The [min, max] range of an double scalar.
Public Members
- oneof optional_min {float min = 1
The minimum value (inclusive). If not set, the value is -inf.
- oneof optional_max {float max = 2
The maximum value (inclusive). If not set, the value is +inf.
struct DoubleRange
The [min, max] range of an double scalar.
Public Members
- oneof optional_min {double min = 1
The minimum value (inclusive). If not set, the value is -inf.
- oneof optional_max {double max = 2
The maximum value (inclusive). If not set, the value is +inf.
struct BooleanBox
struct ByteBox
struct Int64Box
struct FloatBox
struct DoubleBox
struct ListSpace
A list of spaces.
struct DictSpace
struct DiscreteSpace
A discrete space in :math:
{ 0, 1, \\dots, n-1 };
struct NamedDiscreteSpace
A discrete space in which every point in the space is named.
This can be used for representing enumerations.
Public Members
- repeated string name = 1
A list of names for every value in the space.
The order in which these values are returned is used.
struct BooleanSequenceSpace
struct ByteSequenceSpace
struct BytesSequenceSpace
Public Members
Int64Range length_range = 1
Number of byte arrays in the sequence.
Int64Range length_range = 1
struct Int64SequenceSpace
struct FloatSequenceSpace
struct DoubleSequenceSpace
struct StringSequenceSpace
Public Members
Int64Range length_range = 1
The number of strings in the sequence.
Int64Range length_range = 1
struct SpaceSequenceSpace
A variable length sequence of spaces.
Public Members
Int64Range length_range = 1
The number of spaces in the sequence.
Int64Range length_range = 1
struct StringSpace
struct Opaque
Can be used in Space.any_value or Event.any_value to describe an opaque serialized data.
struct CommandlineSpace
struct ListEvent
struct DictEvent
struct Benchmark
Representation of the input to a compiler.
Public Members
string uri = 1
The name of the benchmark to add.
In case of conflict with an existing benchmark, this new benchmark replaces the existing one.
File program = 2
The description of the program that is being compiled.
It is up to the service to determine how to interpret this file, and it is the responsibility of the client to ensure that it provides the correct format. For example, the service could expect that this file contains serialized IR data, or an input source file.
BenchmarkDynamicConfig dynamic_config = 3
An optional configuration option that details how to build and run the benchmark program.
string uri = 1
struct File
A File message represents a file object.
Public Members
string uri = 2
The URI of the file which can be accessed.
Note that this requires that the compiler service and the Python frontend share a file system, which cannot be assumed for general use.
string uri = 2
struct BenchmarkDynamicConfig
Description of how to build and run a benchmark binary.
Public Members
- repeated Command pre_run_cmd = 3
A list of commands to execute before running the benchmark.
- repeated Command post_run_cmd = 4
A list of commands to execute after running the benchmark.
struct Command
Representation of a command that can be executed.
Public Members
- repeated string argument = 1
A list of command line arguments.
map<string, string> env = 2
An optional key-value mapping of environment variables to set.
int32 timeout_seconds = 3
The maximum runtime of the command.
- repeated string infile = 4
An optional list of files that are required by this command.
If set, the presence of the files will be tested for before running the command. This can be useful for providing informative error messages.
- repeated string outfile = 5
An optional list of files that are generated by this command.
If set, the presence of the files will be tested for after running the command.
struct SessionParameter
An arbitrary string parameter value for a session.