Source code for compiler_gym.datasets.datasets

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import os
from collections import deque
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, TypeVar

import numpy as np

from compiler_gym.datasets.benchmark import Benchmark
from compiler_gym.datasets.dataset import Dataset
from compiler_gym.datasets.uri import BenchmarkUri
from compiler_gym.service.proto import Benchmark as BenchmarkProto

T = TypeVar("T")

def round_robin_iterables(iters: Iterable[Iterable[T]]) -> Iterable[T]:
    """Yield from the given iterators in round robin order."""
    # Use a queue of iterators to iterate over. Repeatedly pop an iterator from
    # the queue, yield the next value from it, then put it at the back of the
    # queue. The iterator is discarded once exhausted.
    iters = deque(iters)
    while len(iters) > 1:
        it = iters.popleft()
            yield next(it)
        except StopIteration:
    # Once we have only a single iterator left, return it directly rather
    # continuing with the round robin.
    if len(iters) == 1:
        yield from iters.popleft()

[docs]class Datasets: """A collection of datasets. This class provides a dictionary-like interface for indexing and iterating over multiple :class:`Dataset <compiler_gym.datasets.Dataset>` objects. Select a dataset by URI using: >>> env.datasets["benchmark://cbench-v1"] Check whether a dataset exists using: >>> "benchmark://cbench-v1" in env.datasets True Or iterate over the datasets using: >>> for dataset in env.datasets: ... print( benchmark://cbench-v1 benchmark://github-v0 benchmark://npb-v0 To select a benchmark from the datasets, use :meth:`benchmark()`: >>> env.datasets.benchmark("benchmark://a-v0/a") Use the :meth:`benchmarks()` method to iterate over every benchmark in the datasets in a stable round robin order: >>> for benchmark in env.datasets.benchmarks(): ... print(benchmark) benchmark://cbench-v1/1 benchmark://github-v0/1 benchmark://npb-v0/1 benchmark://cbench-v1/2 ... If you want to exclude a dataset, delete it: >>> del env.datasets["benchmark://b-v0"] """ def __init__( self, datasets: Iterable[Dataset], ): self._datasets: Dict[str, Dataset] = { d for d in datasets} self._visible_datasets: Set[str] = set( name for name, dataset in self._datasets.items() if not dataset.deprecated )
[docs] def datasets(self, with_deprecated: bool = False) -> Iterable[Dataset]: """Enumerate the datasets. Dataset order is consistent across runs. :param with_deprecated: If :code:`True`, include datasets that have been marked as deprecated. :return: An iterable sequence of :meth:`Dataset <compiler_gym.datasets.Dataset>` instances. """ datasets = self._datasets.values() if not with_deprecated: datasets = (d for d in datasets if not d.deprecated) yield from sorted(datasets, key=lambda d: (d.sort_order,
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[Dataset]: """Iterate over the datasets. Dataset order is consistent across runs. Equivalent to :meth:`datasets.datasets() <compiler_gym.datasets.Dataset.datasets>`, but without the ability to iterate over the deprecated datasets. If the number of benchmarks in any of the datasets is infinite (:code:`len(dataset) == math.inf`), the iterable returned by this method will continue indefinitely. :return: An iterable sequence of :meth:`Dataset <compiler_gym.datasets.Dataset>` instances. """ return self.datasets()
[docs] def dataset(self, dataset: str) -> Dataset: """Get a dataset. Return the corresponding :meth:`Dataset <compiler_gym.datasets.Dataset>`. Name lookup will succeed whether or not the dataset is deprecated. :param dataset: A dataset name. :return: A :meth:`Dataset <compiler_gym.datasets.Dataset>` instance. :raises LookupError: If :code:`dataset` is not found. """ return self.dataset_from_parsed_uri(BenchmarkUri.from_string(dataset))
[docs] def dataset_from_parsed_uri(self, uri: BenchmarkUri) -> Dataset: """Get a dataset. Return the corresponding :meth:`Dataset <compiler_gym.datasets.Dataset>`. Name lookup will succeed whether or not the dataset is deprecated. :param uri: A parsed URI. :return: A :meth:`Dataset <compiler_gym.datasets.Dataset>` instance. :raises LookupError: If :code:`dataset` is not found. """ key = self._dataset_key_from_uri(uri) if key not in self._datasets: raise LookupError(f"Dataset not found: {key}") return self._datasets[key]
@staticmethod def _dataset_key_from_uri(uri: BenchmarkUri) -> str: if not (uri.scheme and uri.dataset): raise ValueError(f"Invalid benchmark URI: '{uri}'") return f"{uri.scheme}://{uri.dataset}"
[docs] def __getitem__(self, dataset: str) -> Dataset: """Lookup a dataset. :param dataset: A dataset name. :return: A :meth:`Dataset <compiler_gym.datasets.Dataset>` instance. :raises LookupError: If :code:`dataset` is not found. """ return self.dataset(dataset)
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key: str, dataset: Dataset): """Add a dataset to the collection. :param key: The name of the dataset. :param dataset: The dataset to add. """ key = self._dataset_key_from_uri(BenchmarkUri.from_string(key)) self._datasets[key] = dataset if not dataset.deprecated: self._visible_datasets.add(key)
[docs] def __delitem__(self, dataset: str): """Remove a dataset from the collection. This does not affect any underlying storage used by dataset. See :meth:`uninstall() <compiler_gym.datasets.Datasets.uninstall>` to clean up. :param dataset: The name of a dataset. :return: :code:`True` if the dataset was removed, :code:`False` if it was already removed. """ key = self._dataset_key_from_uri(BenchmarkUri.from_string(dataset)) if key in self._visible_datasets: self._visible_datasets.remove(key) del self._datasets[key]
[docs] def __contains__(self, dataset: str) -> bool: """Returns whether the dataset is contained.""" try: self.dataset(dataset) return True except LookupError: return False
[docs] def benchmarks(self, with_deprecated: bool = False) -> Iterable[Benchmark]: """Enumerate the (possibly infinite) benchmarks lazily. Benchmarks order is consistent across runs. One benchmark from each dataset is returned in round robin order until all datasets have been fully enumerated. The order of :meth:`benchmarks() <compiler_gym.datasets.Datasets.benchmarks>` and :meth:`benchmark_uris() <compiler_gym.datasets.Datasets.benchmark_uris>` is the same. If the number of benchmarks in any of the datasets is infinite (:code:`len(dataset) == math.inf`), the iterable returned by this method will continue indefinitely. :param with_deprecated: If :code:`True`, include benchmarks from datasets that have been marked deprecated. :return: An iterable sequence of :class:`Benchmark <compiler_gym.datasets.Benchmark>` instances. """ return round_robin_iterables( (d.benchmarks() for d in self.datasets(with_deprecated=with_deprecated)) )
[docs] def benchmark_uris(self, with_deprecated: bool = False) -> Iterable[str]: """Enumerate the (possibly infinite) benchmark URIs. Benchmark URI order is consistent across runs. URIs from datasets are returned in round robin order. The order of :meth:`benchmarks() <compiler_gym.datasets.Datasets.benchmarks>` and :meth:`benchmark_uris() <compiler_gym.datasets.Datasets.benchmark_uris>` is the same. If the number of benchmarks in any of the datasets is infinite (:code:`len(dataset) == math.inf`), the iterable returned by this method will continue indefinitely. :param with_deprecated: If :code:`True`, include benchmarks from datasets that have been marked deprecated. :return: An iterable sequence of benchmark URI strings. """ return round_robin_iterables( (d.benchmark_uris() for d in self.datasets(with_deprecated=with_deprecated)) )
[docs] def benchmark(self, uri: str) -> Benchmark: """Select a benchmark. Returns the corresponding :class:`Benchmark <compiler_gym.datasets.Benchmark>`, regardless of whether the containing dataset is installed or deprecated. :param uri: The URI of the benchmark to return. :return: A :class:`Benchmark <compiler_gym.datasets.Benchmark>` instance. """ return self.benchmark_from_parsed_uri(BenchmarkUri.from_string(uri))
[docs] def benchmark_from_parsed_uri(self, uri: BenchmarkUri) -> Benchmark: """Select a benchmark. Returns the corresponding :class:`Benchmark <compiler_gym.datasets.Benchmark>`, regardless of whether the containing dataset is installed or deprecated. :param uri: The parsed URI of the benchmark to return. :return: A :class:`Benchmark <compiler_gym.datasets.Benchmark>` instance. """ if uri.scheme == "proto": path = Path(os.path.normpath(f"{uri.dataset}/{uri.path}")) if not path.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(str(path)) proto = BenchmarkProto() with open(path, "rb") as f: proto.ParseFromString( return Benchmark(proto=proto) if uri.scheme == "file": path = Path(os.path.normpath(f"{uri.dataset}/{uri.path}")) if not path.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(str(path)) return Benchmark.from_file(uri=uri, path=path) dataset = self.dataset_from_parsed_uri(uri) return dataset.benchmark_from_parsed_uri(uri)
[docs] def random_benchmark( self, random_state: Optional[np.random.Generator] = None, weighted: bool = False, weights: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, ) -> Benchmark: """Select a benchmark randomly. First, a dataset is selected randomly using :code:`random_state.choice(list(datasets))`. Then the :meth:`random_benchmark() <compiler_gym.datasets.Dataset.random_benchmark>` method of the chosen dataset is called to select a benchmark. By default datasets are selected uniformly randomly. This means that datasets with a small number of benchmarks will be overrepresented compared to datasets with many benchmarks. To correct for this bias pass the argument :code:`weighted=True`, which weights the dataset choice by the number of benchmarks in each dataset, equivalent to: >>> random.choices(datasets, weights=[len(p) for p in datasets]) Weighting the choice of datasets by their size means that datasets with infinite sizes (such as random program generators) will be excluded from sampling as their size is :code:`0`. To override the weights of datasets pass a :code:`weights` mapping: >>> env.datasets.random_benchmark(weighted=True, weights={ "benchmark://dataset-v0": 10, "benchmark://another-dataset-v0": 555, }) :param random_state: A random number generator. If not provided, a default :code:`np.random.default_rng()` is used. :param weighted: If set, weight the choice of dataset by the number of benchmarks in each dataset, or the value specified in the :code:`weights` mapping. :param weights: An optional mapping from dataset URI to the weight to use when :code:`weighted=True`. This overrides the default value of using the dataset size. :return: A :class:`Benchmark <compiler_gym.datasets.Benchmark>` instance. """ random_state = random_state or np.random.default_rng() datasets: List[str] = list(self._visible_datasets) # Assume weighted=True if weights dictionary is specified. weighted = weighted or weights if weighted: weights: Dict[str, float] = weights or {} w: List[float] = np.array( [weights.get(d, self[d].size) for d in datasets], dtype=float ) dataset = random_state.choice(datasets, p=w / w.sum()) else: dataset = random_state.choice(datasets) return self[dataset].random_benchmark(random_state=random_state)
@property def size(self) -> int: return len(self._visible_datasets)
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """The number of datasets in the collection.""" return self.size